Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Prediksi 3 Soal UN SMP/MTs Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

| Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Read the text below to answer questions 1 and 2

1. What does the notice about?
A.    We don’t have to wear shoes inside the building
B.     We must wear shoes to protect our foot
C.     We are allowed to walk in the building
D.    We are forbidden to wear shoes inside the room

2.      “Foot Protection Required”. The italized word means….
A.    Ordered
B.     Wanted
C.     Needed
D.    Banned

The following text is for number 3 to 6
Nothing could be merrier except your
Attendance to our “Engagement Party”
Day     : Sunday, September 4th 2013
Time    : 08.00 p.m
Venue  : Royal Hotel Hall
Dress code      : Purple

We wish you come,,
Atha and Rose
3.      Where does the party take place?
A.    At Atha’s house
B.     At Royal palace
C.     At Royal hotel hall
D.    At Rose Hall

4.      From the invitation above we know that the guest…
A.    Should wear their best dress
B.     Should wear the dress as they asked to
C.     Can wear any dress they want
D.    Can wear a formal dress

5.      What is the purpose of the text above?
A.    To ask Atha and Rose come to the party
B.     To invite Atha and Rose to the engangement
C.     To invite the reader to come to the engagement party
D.    To share the happiness of the party
6.      The word “merrier” in the text can be best replaced with …
A.    Marry
B.     Shopisticated
C.     Loveble
D.    Happy

The following text is for question no. 7 and 8
Dear Reina
The day walked by so fast, time passed by through the night. I wish you can smile today and not be sad anymore. Be tough upon his death. We are really sorry for that, but you have to move on.

7.        In the text above, Ayana wants to show her….to Rheina.
A.    Condolence
B.     Praise
C.     Gratitude
D.    Apology

8.        “Be tough upon his death”. The synonym of the underlined word is….
A.    Happy
B.     Aware
C.     Realize
D.    Strong

Read the following text for question number 9-11
English Speech Contest

For all students of SMPN Northwest Indonesia, we announce English Speech Contest..
Time : Saturday, 22 March 2012
Place : Hall of SMPN Northwest
Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics:

  • The Advantage of Learning English
  • The Difficulties of Learning English
  • The Effective Ways of Learning English
For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in


9.        What is the text about?
A.    An announcement about an English speech contest
B.     An announcement made by the committee
C.     An announcement in SMPN Northwest
D.    An announcement to see

10.    The contestant of the text should register the contest….
A.    On Saturday 22nd March 2012
B.     On Saturday afternoon
C.     Before 22nd March 2012
D.    Before the they visit the website

11.    The contestant of the contest….
A.    Should use their native language in joining the contest
B.     Should use their second language as their language
C.     Should use English in joining the contest
D.    Should choose 3 topics for the contest

Read the text for number 12-16
Dear Iffat,
Oh, how I missed being with you during the holidays this year! Everything in Indonesia is so different from Australia that I don't know if I'll ever get used to living here. I'm so glad that my father's job at the Spanish Embassy will only last until June.
I've already made some very nice friends, but don't worry - no one could ever replace you as my best friend! After school, I sometimes go to my friend Fina's house. She enjoys listening to the same music and watching the same clips that you and I like. In fact, Fiona and I have tickets for Secondhand Serenade’s concert next month. I wish you were coming with us!
Life is very different here. Would you believe that we have to wear a uniform to go to school? It's awful! A blue skirt and blazer, a white blouse and a ridiculous checked tie, not to mention a pair of horrible, long, white socks. Besides, there is nothing to do in the evening. All the shops close by 09.00 p. m.
That's all for now. Please write soon and tell me all the news. I miss you.
12.    Where does Zahra now?
A.    Spain
B.     Her hometown
C.     Indonesia
D.    At school

13.    “My father's job at the Spanish Embassy will only last until June”. What does the opposite of the underlined word?
A.    Will be ended
B.     Will be started
C.     Will be finished
D.    Will be listed

14.    What do you think about Zahra feeling living in Indonesia?
A.    Happy
B.     Sad
C.     Uncomfortable
D.    Ridiculous

15.    What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.    The uniform in Indonesia
B.     The school system in Indonesia
C.     The horrible feeling of Zahra because of the differences in Indonesian school.
D.    The disgusting uniform told by Zahra

16.    What is the relation of the reader and the writer?
A.    Classmate
B.     Roommate
C.     Sibling
D.    Close friend

Read the text for number 17-21
Rchidendron pauciflorum, commonly known as Jengkol, Dogfruit, or Jering is a species of flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, that is native to Southeast Asia. Despite its strong smell, the beans are a popular food in Indonesia, and also consumed in Malaysia (where they are known as jering), Myanmar (where they are called da nyin thee), and in Southern Thailand, where they are called luk-nieng or luk neang. The large brown legumes are very popular and cooked as satay or curry, especially rendang, in Indonesia. In Burmese cuisine, the da nyin thee is either roasted or boiled, and often eaten along with a pickled fish sauce (Ngapi yay) on steamed rice.The beans are mildly toxic due to the presence of djenkolic acid, an amino acid, which causes djenkolism (jengkol bean poisoning). Symptoms include spasmodic pain, gout, urinary obstruction, and acute           renal failure.The condition mainly affects men, and is not determined by how the beans are prepared. Individuals can consume the beans on multiple occasions without incident, to develop renal failure on another occasion.

17.    What does the text tell us about?
A.    A dish from Indonesia
B.     A toxic flower from Indonesia
C.     A strong-smell bean called jengkol
D.    A bean that is so popular because of its smell

18.    The following symptom can we get by eating Jengkol except?
A.    Spasmodic pain
B.     Gout
C.     Urinary obstruction
D.    Kidney failure.

19.    In Southern Thailand Rchidendron pauciflorum is called…..
A.    Jengkol
B.     Jering
C.     Dogfruit
D.    Luk-Nieng

20.    “In Burmese cuisine, the da nyin thee is either roasted or boiled, and often eaten along with a pickled fish sauce”. The underlined word mean…………..
A.    A food that has been stored for a long time
B.     A food that has sour taste
C.     A food that has been picked by the farmer
D.    A food that came from the sea

21.    Why does the bean above considered as a bit poisonous one?
A.    Because the beans are mildly toxic due to the presence of djenkolic acid, an amino acid.
B.     Because the beans are not cleaned well
C.     Because the beans contain some strong smell acid
D.    Because the beans should be toasted before being cooked

Read the text for question number 22-25

Room Type
2-Bedroom Suite with Breakfast
USD 760
USD 185
2 bedroom Suites Balcony with Breakfast
USD 840
USD 205
3-Bedroom Suite with Breakfast
USD 940
USD 225
Package Inclusions
  • 4 Nights accommodation in a spacious Apartment.
  • Daily Breakfast  (4 people for Two bedroom suites & 6 people for Three bedroom Suites)
  • One time Set Dinner at Terrace Poolside Restaurant (4 people for Two bedroom Suites & 6 people for Three bedroom Suites)
  • Welcome drinks on arrival.
  • 10% Discount on Laundry bill.
  • 20% Discount on all Spa treatments.

22.    What is the purpose of the text above?
A.    To reclaiming a bed room
B.     To sell the bedroom
C.     To describe about a hotel price
D.    To persuade the reader to stay on the hotel

23.    How much should the guest pay if he wants to stay one more night in a 2 suite bedroom with breakfast?
A.    USD 205
B.     USD 225
C.     USD 185
D.    USD 220

24.    “4 Nights accommodation in a spacious Apartment.”. The underlined word has similar meaning with?
A.    Large
B.     Narrow
C.     Many
D.    Luxury

25.    The guest will get….on their arrival.
A.    Free beverage
B.     Discount for laundry
C.     Free cuisine
D.    Discount for drink

26.    RATES ALREADY INCLUDES US$ 40 PRICE REDUCTION PER PACKAGE”. The underlined word has similar meaning with?
A.    Fare
B.     Tax
C.     Discount
D.    Price list

When I was 1st  grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to Bali. We were there for two days. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.
First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel. After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.
The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and shady forest. There were so many monkeys. They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my lovely time. I bought some handicrafts.
In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

Read the following text to answer 27-31

27.    The text tells us about….
A.    Bali spot
B.     The writer holiday experience in Bali
C.     Place to visit in Bali
D.    The writer trip with his friend

28.    What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A.    The activities the writer did in the last day in Bali
B.     What the writer did in Sangeh
C.     Writer shopping activities
D.    The writer trip in Sukowati

29.    “They were so tame but sometimes they could be naughty”. The antonym of the underlined word is….
A.    Naughty
B.     Good
C.     Nice
D.    Wild
30.    They were not only domestic…”. The underlined word refers to….
A.    The writer and friend
B.     The tourist
C.     The guest
D.    The people

31.    “In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.”.
            The sentence above is….of the text.
A.    Events
B.     Orientation
C.     Re-orientation
D.    Opening

Read the text for number 32-36
 Brownie Recipe
4 tablespoons melted butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/3 cup Hershey’s Cocoa
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt


·         Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
·         Grease a 9-inch square pan.
·         In medium bowl, stir butter, sugar, and vanilla together.
·         Add eggs, and with a wooden spoon beat well.
·         Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.
·         Add to egg mixture, beat until well blended.
·         At this point, if you want, you can add nuts and chocolate chips to the batter
·         Spread batter into greased pan and bake for 20-25 minutes until brownies begin to "pull away" from the pan.
·         Cool completely in pan.
·         While cooling, make frosting. To make frosting ... in a small mixer bowl beat 3 tablespoons softened butter, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 tablespoon light corn syrup or honey, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla until blended. Add 1 cup powdered sugar and 1 cup milk; beat until smooth and of spreading consistency. Add additional milk, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, if needed.
·         Spread frosting over cool brownies and cut brownies into squares.
·         Presto it's done!


32.    What is the text about?
A.    A step by step way how to make Brownish
B.     A description of making Brownish
C.     An explanation of a cooking
D.    A cake description

33.    How much butter do you need to make the brownish?
A.    4 tbs
B.     4 tsp
C.     4 gramm
D.    4 kg

34.    What should we do after greasing a 9-inch square pan?
A.     stir butter, sugar, and vanilla together.
B.     Add eggs, and with a wooden spoon beat well.
C.     Stir together flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.
D.    Add to egg mixture, beat until well blended.

35.    Ingredients can also be called….
A.    Step
B.     Material
C.     Tools
D.    Way

36.    How many steps needed to make a brownish cake?
A.    13
B.     14
C.     12
D.    15

Read the following text to answer 37-41

           In ancient time, there was a hamlet called Lisawa in galela region, Nort Halmahera. The hamlet was quite, being inhabited by only few families. Water was scarce for the people, since the area was covered with rocks. To get clean water for drinking, cooking and bathing, they had to walk for away. The people’s life, nonetheless, was always safe, peaceful and calm.
In the hamlet lived a young man, Magohiduuru and a beatiful lady, Majojaru. They loved each other very much. Magohiduuru wanted to propose Majojaru right away, but it was hard for him to do that. He realized that it was difficult for him even to feed himself, let alone a family. The young man decided to go aboard. He would come back once he could earn a proper living and marry Majojaru. After his parents allowed him to go, he hurshed to see his lover.
“Dear, there is something I need to tell you” said Magohiduuru
“What is it? Tell me” Ugred Majojaru
I’m thinking of going away to make more money for us. Soon as I could do that, I will get back here to propose you. Would you wait for me?” asked Magohiduuru
“Well, then. I wont hold you back. I will always be waiting for you, you’re the one I love. You’re the one I want to spend my life with” said Majojaru
“But come back soon, will you? She said, wishing
“Sure. I will come back as soon as I can. You’re my only love, you will always be. May God hear our vow to life together forever” said Magohiduuru
Next morning, Magohiduuru left. He went on a ship that was sailing overseas.
One year on, Magohiduuru had not come back. Then. One day when Majojaru walking near the fort she saw a ship docking. Wishfully, she came to the ship to see if her lover was among the passengers. But none of the passengers was face of the man she love. She took her heart to ask one of the ship crews about Magohiduuru.
“Excus me, sir. Do you know a man named Magohiduuru? Have you ever met anyone with that name? asked Majojaru
“Oh, that unlucky young man!” answered the man
“what do you mean? What happened? Majojaru could not stay calm anymore
The man then told a story of what happened a month ago, when Magohiduuru was killed during work
Dejectedly, Majojaru staggered to her house. Before entering her village, she decided to find a place where she could spend some time on her own to calm down. She took a seat upon a stone under a bayan tree, lamenting over the death of her lover. She cried her beat out for three days and three nights.
Her tears flowed like water running out of a collapsed dam. Finally, her tears swamped the place that she drowned herself to death. Not long after that, a small lake was formed its water was pure like tears and bluish.
The lake is now called Telaga Biru. Looking at it water  anyone will remember the legend, it is so pure, just like Mojajoru’s love for Magohiduuru.

37.    What happened to Magohiduru?
A.    He was succed and forgot his girlfriend
B.     He died a month after leaving his girlfriend
C.     He went to a beautiful city
D.    He came back to the village safely

38.    Why did Magohiduru left the hamlet?
A.    Because he wanted to earn good living to marry his girlfriend
B.     Because he wanted to go abroad
C.     Because he wanted to travel around the world
D.    Because he hated Mojajoru

39.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To retell the legend of Telaga Biru
B.     To explain the Legend of Telaga Biru
C.     To entertain the reader about the legend of telaga biru
D.    To persuaded the reader to see Telaga biru

40.    What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A.    Mojajoru met his boyfriend in the harbour
B.     Mojajoru saw Magohiduru in the ship
C.     Mojajoru heard the death of Magohiduru from a man in the ship
D.    A happy meeting between the lovers

41.    What is the moral value of the text?
A.    That faithfulness is what matters in human relationships. It is not easy to keep it, thought, for often requires sacrifice.
B.     We don’t need to go abroad to earn living
C.     Don’t be so sad of someone’s death
D.    We don’t need to be rich to get marry

For questions 42-47  choose the suitable word to complete the text below.
Once, when Mother was not in, I decided to fry an egg by ___42___ . ___43___ watched Mother do it so many times before, I thought I could not go ___44___ . First, I washed the pan. Then I ___45___ some oil into the pan. However, as the oil heated ___46___ , it splattered all ___47___ the stove.

42.              A. Myself
B. Herself
C. Oueselves
D. Himself  

43.              A Having
B. Getting
C. Cooking
D. Making

44.              A.Wrong
B. False
C. Burn
D. Roast

45.              A. Filled
B. Strained
C. Cleaned
D. Poured  

46.              A. Up  
B. Down
C. Over
D. Under

47.              A. Back
B. Front
C. Over  
D. Around
Rearrange the jumbled words into a good sentences.
48.    Sir Patrick  three lectures gave in Dublin to public celebrate birthday his
               1           2         3         4          5          6      7          9             10      11
A.    1-11-7-8-5-6-2-10-9-3-4
B.     1-4-2-7-3-5-6-9-11-10
C.     1-4-2-7-5-6-3-9-11-10
D.    1-7-2-4-3-6-5-10-11-9

49.     the add chicken stir with the spice stir and  pour then the water
          1    2        3        4     5          6        7      8      9      10      11
A.    2-3-1-5-7-6-8-11-10-4-9
B.     2-3-1-6-7-5-9-4-11-10-8
C.     2-1-3-8-4-7-5-6-10-9-11
D.    2-1-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-9

50.    Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good paragraph
1. Boil beef in 8 cups water for 20 minutes.
2. Sautee the crushed seasonings.
3. Cut half cooked beef into slices, re-boiled.
4. Serve hot with lemon juice, fried onions and chili sauce.
5. Stirring in sautéed seasoning simmer until the meat is tender.
The best arrangement is….
A.    1-3-5-2-4
B.     1-3-2-5-4
C.     1-5-2-3-4
D.    1-2-5-3-4

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