Friday, April 8, 2016

Prediksi Soal UN SMP/MTs 2016 - Bahasa Inggris

| Friday, April 8, 2016

Look at the notice below
Security Notice
Guns are banned on these premises

1.             What does the notice mean?
A.    We are allowed to bring little gun
B.     We shouldn’t buy gun in those area
C.     We are forbidden to bring or use gun in those area
D.    We are allowed to use gun

The following text is for number 2-3

From : Lisa Hunt
To: all employees
Sent : Monday, 2:00 P.M
Subject : Party

Please join us as we celebrate Hal Johnson’s 33 years service to Brady, Inc. Hal’s last day in the office is Friday, June 8th, and the party will take place that evening at 7 p.m. at the Westchester Ballroom. Please reply by e-mail to Lisa Hunt or Roger Allen if you can help decorate, talk to Ray Ortiz.

2.             What is the reason for the party?
A.    a retirement         
B.     a birthday
C.     a holiday
D.    an anniversary

3.             Who is probably responsible for decoration?
A.    Roger Allen
B.     Hal Johnson
C.     Lisa Hunt
D.    Ray Ortiz
The following text for question number 4

To: Andreas
Congratulation on your success in speech contest.

Be better for us my pride.

                                  Mom n’ Dad

4.             What has Andrean done?
A.    Successfully made his parent happy
B.     Participated in the speech contest
C.     Won the speech contest
D.    Spoken actively in front of his parent

Text for question number 5-7
Be smart, be successful
JL Sisingadiraja no 21 Jakarta
Phone ( 021 ) 6541608
·    Luxurious facilities
·    Excellent co-curricular
·    Professional teacher
Nice and comfortable place

5.             What is the text about?
A.  Advertising professional teachers
B.  Advertising a school
C.  Promoting school development
D.  Promoting to a better future.

6.             ” We bring you to a better future” (last sentence).
The underlined word refers to….
A.  The luxurious facilities
B.   The professional teachers
C.   The student of the school
D.  Anyone who works in the school

7.         Nice and comfortable place.
The underlined word can be replaced by…
A.      Convenient
C.       Bad
D.      Messy

Text for questionsnumber  8-9
Good afternoon everyone. May I have your attention, please?
I would like to remind you that our camping trip will be this coming Saturday. The committee will not provide any sleeping mats. So, don’t forget to bring your own sleeping mats. However, we recommend sleeping bags because the temperature around Laguna Beach can go as low as 10 degrees Celsius at night.
Thank you.

8.        From the listening script above we can conclude that ….
A.  the committee is preparing the camp
B.   the students are preparing the sleeping bags
C.   the students are preparing the mats
D.  the students are going camping

9.        What is the weather like around the Laguna Beach?
A.  Cold
B.   Cool
C.   Hot
D.  Warm

10.    Why did the writer write the script?
A.  To give information about the mountain
B.   To invite students to the camp
C.   To ask for the students’ opinion
D.  To remind the students

Text for the questions number 11-13

THE ASEAN MONTHLY invites submissions of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year's Student Writing Contest.
Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays.
MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author's name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself.

Student Writing Contest
The Asean Monthly
77 N. Jakarta Street

11.    What is the purpose of the text?
A.  To describe the student writing contest
B.   To retell the students about writing contest.
C.   To announce the student writing contest
D.  To amuse the students with writing contest.

12.    The following is not required for the works based on the text that the participants should prepare well.
A.  Handwriting
B.   Unpublished
C.   Easy to read
D.  Typewritten

13.    These statements are true according the text, except…
A.  The event is always held every year
B.  Poetry, fiction and journalistic assay are the categories
C.  It’s available for the student only
D.  The student must send the manuscript before December 1

Text for number 14-16
The loop paper plane

Material needed
·         A sheet of heavy paper
·         A pencil
·         Sharp scissors
·         A paper clip
·         Crayons
·         Fold the paper in half the long way
·         Then draw an airplane with wings and a tail on it
·         Next, draw a line about an inch away from fold on each side the full length of the paper
·         Then cut on the airplane and color it. You can draw airplane markings near each wing tip
·         Next refold your airplane. Now fold your each wing down along the line drawn on it.
·         Then add the paper clip to the nose. You can change the way your airplane flies by changing the wing shape and putting more than one clip on the nose

14.    What should you do before cut out the airplane?
A.  Fold the paper in half
B.   Add paper clip on the nose
C.   Draw a line on each side the full length of the paper
D.  Fold each wing down along the line

15.    How can we change the way of the airplane fly?
A.  By folding the each wing of the paper
B.   Changing the wing shape and putting more than one clip on the nose
C.   Cut on the airplane
D.  Fold each wing down along the line

16.    How many paper do we need to make twin paper plane?
A.  One
B.   Two
C.   Three
D.  Four

Dear Mrs. Emy,

Happy Birtday

25 Augs’60  -  25 Augst’08
I wish you a very happy birthday.
May God always gives you all the best


17.    The card above is sent to a ….
A.  a student
B.   a lawyer
C.   a teacher
D.  a lecturer

18.    Mrs. Emy is in her …  .
A.  fifties
B.   forties
C.   thirties
D.  twenties

Read the text for the following numbers

19.    From the notice above what must we do?
A.  We allow pass from left side
B.   We allow pass from right side
C.   We can make left line
D.  We have to pass what we want

20.    Where can we find this notice?
A.  On the pedistrian area
B.   On the junction
C.   On the crossroad
D.  On the stright road

Text for number 21-22

Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.
‘It’s none of your business, ‘ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’

21.    Which of the following statement does not go with the text?
A.  The writer did not enjoy the play.
B.   The writer was very angry.
C.   The couple did not pay any attention.
D.  The writer listened to the actors attentively

22.    This is a private conversation (Paragraph 2).
        The underlined word refers to …..
A.    The actors’ voice
B.   The couple’s voice
C.   The audience’s voice
D.  The young men’s words

Text for number 23-26
Money, Money, Money.

Money is a very important part of modern life. Before people knew money, people exchanged goods. They called this barter. People were not happy with this barter system, so they started to use money.

First, people used shells, rice, or animal teeth for money. People chose them because they were easy to carry. Then people used gold and silver. They were good for money because they were not easy to find and they lasted a long time.

In 600 BC people started to use coins. Coins were the main form of currency until 1660. In this year, people began to print paper banknotes. The first banknotes appeared in Sweden.

In 1940s people started to use credit cards. Credit Cards make people live easy. They don’t need to bring a lot of cash when they go shopping.

23.    What did people do before they knew money?
A.  They didn’t do anything
B.   They were not happy
C.   They sold goods
D.  They did barter

24.    Why people used gold and silver for money?
A.  They were not happy with barter
B.   They were easy to carry
C.   They were good for money
D.  They were not easy to find

25.    When did people use coins?
A.  In 600 BC
B.   In 1660
C.   In 1940s
D.  In 600 BC until 1660

26.    Which one is FALSE based on the text?
A.  People used animal teeth for money
B.   People used money in barter system
C.   In 1660 people began to print paper banknotes
D.  Credit Cards make people need not bring a lot of money

Text for the questions number 27-29
      San Francisco is my favorite city in the United States. It is beautiful, clean, not too big, and it has something for everybody. I love the streets and buildings with beautiful old brick and wooden houses on either side.
      One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is to ride the cable car. It takes you to most parts of the city. It’s not a very comfortable ride, but it is exciting, and the views you get from the car are wonderful.
      And I like the weather in San Francisco It never gets very cold. The summers are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow off the ocean and the sky is always blue. It rains quite a lot in the winter, but it never gets very cold            .
      Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants with crabs and lobster are my favorite. You can also get great Chinese, Japanese, American and European Food in San Francisco.

27.    Which one is the destination of the cable car in San Francisco?
A.      Only the big streets     
B.       The Shopping Centre
C.       Only the narrow streets        
D.      Parts of the city in San Francisco

28.    How are the restaurants in San Francisco? They serve ....
A.  European Food
B.   only a Sea Food
C.   only a Chinese Food     
D.  many kinds of Food

29.    The purpose of the text above is
A.    to tell many kinds of events     
B.     to describe a lot about San Francisco
C.     to inform something new about san Francisco
D.    to show the way to get san Francisco

Text for question number 30-31
Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned around. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. ‘I can’t hear a word!’ I said angrily.
‘It’s none of your business, ‘ the young man said rudely. ‘This is a private conversation!’

30.    Which of the following statement does not go with the text?
A.  The writer did not enjoy the play.
B.   The writer was very angry.
C.   The couple did not pay any attention.
D.  The writer listened to the actors attentively

31.    This is a private conversation (Paragraph 2).
        The underlined word refers to …..
A.    The actors’ voice
B.   The couple’s voice
C.   The audience’s voice
D.  The young men’s words

Text for the questions number 32-35

                 A fawn met a little tiger and said,”What fine stripes you have!”
                 The little tiger said,”What fine spots you have!”  Then the fawn said,”It would be a nice thing if you and I were to live together as friends. We might then roam through the woods as we like, and be so happy.”
                  “I think so,” said the tiger
                  The two joined hands, and went out for a long walk. It was breakfast time. Then fawn saw some fine grass in the lawn, and said to himself,” one should first see his friend fed and then feed.”
                  So he turned to the tiger and said,” Will you have some of this fine grass for your breakfast?”
                  The tiger put his nose to the grass, but could not bring himself to feed upon it, because it againts his nature,so he replied,”I am sorry, I can not eat it.”
                  Then the fawnsaid,” Allow me to go home for one moment and ask mom for somethingthat would suit you for breakfast.”
                  So the fawn went home and told the hind of the happy friendship he had formed, and of all that had happened since.
                  The hind replied,”Child, how lucky it is that you have come away. You must know the tiger is the most deadly enemy we have in the woods.”
                 At these words the fawn drew near to his dam and trembled.
The hind said,”it is indeed lucky to get away from the wicked at the first hint.”

32.    What was the tiger’s characteristic actually? He was...
A.      Kindhearted
B.       Generous
C.       Friendly
D.      Mean

33.    Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A.  The tiger had fine stripes
B.   The fawn and tiger had a happy journey before
C.   Th e fawn didn’t think that the tiger was wicked
D.  The tiger and fawn fed upon grass

34.    ”.....but couldn’t bring himself to feed upon it....”.The word it refers to....
A.  The fawn
B.   The grass
C.   The nose
D.  The tiger

35.    ”....tiger is the mos deadly enemy..
”What is the opposite word of deadly?
A.  Harmless
B.   Dangerous
C.   Ferocious
D.  Wild

Text for the questions number 36-39
            The name pop comes from the word popular. Popular music means music that a lot of people like. Pop music today usually has a strong rhytm and uses electricic instrument. It is popular with young people. But many other types of music are popular all around the word.
            Where do pop songs from? Professional musicians have entertained people with songs and dances for thousands of years. But perhaps the first pop singers were the troubadors. Six hundred years ago, they travelled around the country and walked through the street of towns, singing and playing songs. They sang for money or food and people asked for the songs they liked. They also sang in the homes of rich and important people.
            From about 1800, people started to go to special gardens to hear songs and have a good time. But they also wanted to listen to music in the evenings. So they began to go dinner and music rooms. Here, people could have their dinner and listen to musicians and actors.

36.    Troudabours were likely ... in the world.
A.  Popular song
B.   Professional musicians
C.   The first pop singers
D.  The successful entertainers

37.    What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A.  Popular singers sang for money
B.   Pop songs were sang by pop singers
C.   Pop singer sung by people around the city
D.  Definition of pop music

38.    Which of the following statements is correct?
A.  People couldn’t ask for the songs they liked
B.   Pop music usually doesn’t use traditional instruments
C.   The pop singer didn’t sing for the rich people
D.  People don’t like to listen to the music in the evening

39.    The name pop comes from the word popular. (paragraph 1).
The underlined has opposite meaning with…
A.  Important
B.   Well-known
C.   Common
D.  Artificial

Complete the following paragraph with correct word
In the twentieth century, (__40__) in large cities designed structure in a way that reduced noise and yet made living as (__41__) as possible. They used such techniques as making walls hollowand fillingthis wall space with materials that (__42__) noise. thicks carpets and heavy curtains were used to cover floors and (__43__) Air conditioners and furnaces were designed to filter air through soundproofing materials.
A. Architects
B. bakeries
C.  creditors
D. doctors

A.  Profitable
B.   sensible
C.   audible      
D.  comfortable

A.    Absorb
B.     blend
C.     create
D.    decrease

A.    ceiling 
B.     beds
C.     cupboards
D.    windows

Complete the following paragraph with correct word

There are five well-known (___44___) in the world. They are Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Europe. They extend (___45___) the North Pole and South Pole. They are (___46___) by Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans.
Asia is the (___47___) continent of them. It is almost one third of the land areas of the world .It lies from Africa and Europe to Pacific Ocean. Most of Asia land area is mountain range. Apart of Asia has rainy and dry seasons. The other has four (___48___) – spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

A.    oceans
B.    seas
C.    continents
D.    islands
A.    between
B.    among
C.    beside
D.    along
A.    to surround
B.    surrounds
C.    surrounded
D.    surround
A.    lager
B.    largest
C.    smaller
D.    smallest
A.    climates
B.    seasons
C.    weathers
D.    cloudy

49.      Choose the correct arrangement of the words!
Cordplugthepoweraoutletwall  -into
     1        2        3          4       5        6           7       8
A.      2 – 3 – 4 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 6  
B.       2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 1
C.       2 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 6
D.      2 – 1 – 3 – 4 – 8 – 5 – 6 – 7

50.  Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1.      Second, Winter, is from June to September, when it is cold and often wet.
2.      However, there is generally rain throughout the year, and it can also be windy.
3.      New Zealand has a mild climate.
4.      The others, Spring and Autumn, are fairly  warm.
5.      The first season, Summer, is from December to March.
6.      There is a snow only in the mountains and in the southern parts of the country.
7.      The weather is usually warm and pleasant then, but it can be cool at night in some places.
A.  3-7-6-5-1-2-4
B.   3-7-6-1-2-5-4
C.   3-7-6-4-5-2-1
D.  3-7-6-2-4-5-1

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Fav Ideas said...

makasih banget gan, bisa jadi refernsi ujian buat adik gua

Unknown said...

Ok, sama2