Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris (What will I do if I am selected as president or head of student's organization?)

| Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Your excellency Mr. Ahmad Damanhuri as the headmaster of State Senior High School 1 Blitar
Honorable all teachers and staffs of State Senior High School 1 Blitar
Respectable all my friends whom I love and who love me
Firstly, let’s pray and thank to Allah, the lord of the world. Who has been giving us mercies and blessings, so we can attend and gether in this nice place in good condition and happy situation.
Secondly, may sholawat and salam always be with our prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, namely Islam religion.
Thirtdly, I would say thank you very much for giving me time to present my speech and let me introduce myself. My name is Vandhana Prasasti Salsabila. I am a student of Ten Science One. I am a candidate of the Students’ Union leader. Here, I would like to present my vision and missions to be the leader of Students’ Union.
Brothers and sisters,
My vision is to make the students of State Senior High School 1 Blitar become active, innovative, responsible and competitive based on faith and piety to God. Then, to realize my vision as the leader of Students Association Organization, I will do some mission. One of them is activated the extracurriculars in our school. It does’nt mean extracurriculars in our school not active before but I mean I will make it more active. All of us know that there are 33 extracurriculars in our school and it can be a good forum for students to become active, innovative, responsible and competitive. For example, Teenager's Scientific Paper or Karya Ilmiah Remaja, by join its extracurricular students can become more active, innovative, responsible and competitive. That just for example, it does’nt mean you must join Teenager’s Scientific Paper for being active, innovative, responsible and competitive. You can choose to join the extracurriculars based on your talents and interests. I also will encourage religious activities  as one of the manifestation of our faith and piety to God.
Brothers and sisters,
Being a leader is not about feeling easy or hard. It is about a team. A team will be good by the leader, and the leader will be successful by the team. A leader and a team complete each other. I will work as well as possible to create a good team to realize all of the missions and make this school become better and the students make this school proud.
That was all about my speech this morning. I have delivered my vision and missions. I hope that all of the students, teachers, and the other staff can choose the best choice wisely. I hope that my speech this morning can help you all to make a decision. I am Vandhana Prasasti Salsabila. Thank you very much for your nice attention.
See you and Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Rounded Rectangle: Name : Vandhana Prasasti Salsabila
Class : X MIPA 1 (33)

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Anonymous said...

makasih atas ilmunya. salam ABCD Anak Blitar Cinta Damai

vandha said...

Makasih kembali :)

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