Friday, April 15, 2016

Laporan Perjalanan dalam Bahasa Inggris

| Friday, April 15, 2016
This Report is Written to Fulfill the Final Assignment of English
In the Academic Year of 2014/2015


By :
1.     Almira Rahma Sekar Kinanti  (02)
2.     Farida Destiara Harinda Putri (10)
3.     Fitra Mila Dwi Ariyadni (12)
4.     Ririn Faizah (21)

Jl. Melati No. 112 Telp. (0342) 801821 Blitar 66111


Report of Study Tour to Bali, written by :
      Almira Rahma Sekar Kinanti  (02)
            Farida Destiara Harinda Putri (10)
            Fitra Mila Dwi Ariyadni (12)
      Ririn Faizah (21)

has been checked and can be approved and accepted by


Principal                                                          English Teacher

Hari Purwani, S.Pd. M.Pd.                             Moh. Ashari, S.Pd
NIP. 19641024 198501 1 001                        NIP. 19690915 199203 1 002 


              Thanks God that we finally can accomplish this report entitled “Report of Study Tour to Bali”.
        This report is written to fulfill the final assignment of English in the academic year of 2014/2015.
            Our great gratitude is given to anybody who has given me contribution and help so that we can accomplish this report on time. My great gratitude is specially given to :
   1. Mr. Hari Purwani, S.Pd. M.Pd. The principal of  Junior High School 2 Blitar, who has given his approval to this report of Study Tour to Bali;
   2. Mr. Moh. Ashari, S.Pd. The English Teacher of Junior High School 2 Blitar, who has given us an opportunity and guidance to write this report;
   3. All the teachers and all the staff officers who have given support to us in writing this report.
The writer has done his best effort in writing this article. The writer is, however, aware that this article is far from satisfaction. Therefore, any criticism and suggestion from the readers are invited for the better report writing in the future.
            Hopefully, this report will give benefits especially to the writer and also anybody who reads this report.
Blitar, November 2014


APPROVAL SHEET ………..........................................................................        ii
FOREWORD...................................................................................................       iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................       iv
I.    INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................        1
II. THE JOURNEY IN BRIEF .....................................................................        2
      A. Sanur Beach ..........................................................................................        2
      B. Art Center  ............................................................................................        3
      C. Tanjung Benoa Beach ...........................................................................        4
      D. Garuda Wisnu Kencana ........................................................................        4
      E. Sukawati Market ...................................................................................        5
      F.  Pandawa Beach  ...................................................................................        6
      G. Tanah Lot Beach....................................................................................       7
      H. Bedugul Lake – ‘Candi Kuning’ ..........................................................        7
      I.   Kuta Beach  ..........................................................................................        8
 J.   Krisna  ...................................................................................................        9
K.  Tampak Siring Palace  ...........................................................................      10
L.   Sangeh  ..................................................................................................                     10
IV. ENCLOSURE / CONCLUSION  ............................................................      11
1. Photos and The Writer’s Data ..................................................................     13 
A. Background
            Everybody knows that Bali is a very popular tourist destination. Bali has many beautiful places to enjoy. The beaches like Pandawa beach, Sanur beach, Tanjung Benoa beach, and Kuta Beach are all exotic beaches to see. Many tourists from Indonesia and foreign countries like to visit Bali as it is famous for its island of God. The beauty of the nature completed by the delicious food and nice culture makes Bali a perfect place to visit.
            Study tour is one of many activities held by Junior High School 2 Blitar to give more knowledge and understanding of culture. This year destination of the study tour is Bali. It is hoped to give better refreshment for the students.
            The reasons for choosing Bali as a tourism destination this year are :
1.      Bali is very famous for its beautiful nature and culture.
2.      Many beautiful places can be visited in one trip to Bali.
3.      Students can learn the culture of Balinese.
4.      Students can learn how to write report thoroughly through this study tour.
5.      Students can get better feeling to study after refreshing the mind in Bali.
B. Purposes
            The general purpose of the study tour is to increase the students’ knowledge.
            The specific purposes of the study tour are :
1.      To increase students’ ability in English
2.      To increase students’ knowledge about Indonesian culture and tradition
3.      To increase students’ knowledge about Indonesian geography
4.      To increase students’ fluency in speaking English
5.      To increase students’ understanding of  Balinese arts
6.      To give refreshment for the students to face the next semester and final examination.
            We started the journey on Friday, 17th October 2014. We departed from school at 11 a.m. On the way to Bali, we stopped at Karangkates mosque, gas station, and food stalls. We crossed the Bali strait at 1 a.m. It was the first time for us to go to Bali. That was why we were so happy. We were taking a pray as we stopped at the mosque. We ate food at food stalls. The food was so delicious so we could gain our energy. The teachers were so excited during the tour and so did the students.
            When we crossed the strait, we were so excited as we saw the night view. It was so beautiful. We arrived at Bali at dawn. The first spot that we visited was Sanur Beach. We saw sunrise there. The view was so amazing. We then continued our trip to Art Center. We saw many beautiful paintings at that place. After that, we visited Hawai to shop. And then, we went to Pandawa beach. We enjoyed the beauty of the beach and took canoe over there.
            We visited many beautiful places in Bali. The place for us to stay was Puri Dewa Bhrata hotel. The hotel was great but a bit creepy. Although we were a bit scared, we were so happy because we were gathered with many friends.  We then went back home at 7 pm. We saw sunset first at Tanah Lot before going back to Java. It was a nice trip.

1.      Sanur Beach
Sanur beach is a tourism spot located in Sanur, Denpasar, Bali. It is in the east side of Bali. In this place, we can see sunrise while enjoying the calm waves. From Gilimanuk Harbour  to Sanur, the trip is about 2 hours. Along Sanur beach, there are many great hotels, restaurants, and small cafes. There are also fisherman’s boats lining up at the beach. We can see people’s activity here.

2.      Art Center
Art center is an art museum. In this museum, we can see paintings about Balinese culture. There are also sculptures which are so specific from Bali. The sculptures are made from wood and stone. This building is built because Balinese really concern about their culture. Inside the museum, there is a special building which is so holy for Balinese.

3.      Tanjung Benoa
Tanjung Benoa is a tourism spot which is so famous for its beautiful beach. This place is often used for sports like banana boat, flying fish, diving, parasailing, etc. From this place, we can go to Penyu island by boat. There are many beautiful animals in Penyu island, such as snakes, big sea turtles, giant bat, rangkok birds, eagles, etc. After having a nice day in penyu island, we can go back to Tanjung Benoa.

4.      GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana)
Garuda Wisnu Kencana is located up on the hill. There is a big statue of Wisnu God in this place. There is also a giant statue of garuda in this area. We can also enjoy beautiful view of the hills from this place. There is also a stage for Balinese to show performance of  Bali traditional dance. We can watch the performance starting from 6 p.m.

5.      Sukawati Market
Sukawati market is art market in Gianyar city, Bali. Sukawati market opens at 08.00-18.00 WITA. This market sells paintings, clothes, typical souvenirs of Bali, and many others. Many sellers can sell the same items. We can bid up to half price. So, we must be smart in bidding. The same as other holiday places, this market is also crowded and there are many tourists from foreign country or indonesia. In Sukawati market, we can see many offerings in both left and right side. We must walk carefully if we don’t want to hit them. In Sukawati market, the parking lot is just for car and motorcycle. The bus has to park in a little bit far distance.

6.      Pandawa Beach
Pandawa beach is one of many beaches in Bali. Pandawa beach has the name “Pandawa” because this beach is found by five investors from foreign country. People often call secret beach. Because, long time ago before the beach was found, the road to go to this beach is very dangerous. There are many ravines and mountains of limestone. So, not many people know this beach. Now, Pandawa beach has many changes. The way to go to pandawa beach is no longer difficult. There are statues of 5 Pandawas and his mother, The Goddess Kunti. Many foreign and Indonesian tourists spend holiday here because this beach is very clean, natural, and away from the crowds. With natural nature condition, Pandawa beach has a very good view.

7.      Tanah Lot
Tanah Lot Temple is located in coastal side of Beraban country side, Kediri sub district and Tabanan Regency. It is situated in 30 Km in west side of Denpasar town and about 11 Km in south side of Tabanan town. The temple was built on the rock with 3 acre size and now it is reachable in a few minute by walk, because it is just 20 meters from the coastal lip. This temple is very famous among tourist destinations in Bali with spectacular view of sunset. At some nooks of coral reef around Tanah Lot Temple there is a holy tame snake in black and white color where many local society believe that it is a deity property and as the guard of the temple from the bad influence.

8.      Bedugul Lake
Bedugul is a mountain lake resort in Bali. Bedugul is located in the Tabanan Regency. The weather in Bedugul is so fresh. The water in the lake is so clear. Beside the lake, there is a temple for Hindu’s people to pray. Women who have monthly period cannot enter the temple because it is a holy place. There are many boats on the lake for people to see the beauty of the lake. There is also speedboat for them who like to have an amazing experience. This place is near the farm field for farmers to plant strawberry. We can find strawberries easily sold near the temple. The price is so cheap and they taste sweet.

9.      Kuta Beach
Kuta is a beautiful beach in Bali. We arrived in Kuta Beach at 6.15. a.m. It was quite late already. When we arrived, the sun had already set. This place was used for us to find foreigners. We got the task from our teacher to have an interview with them. So we tried to find them and asked them some questions. We asked about their personal identity and their reasons to come to Bali. It was a nice interview with the great night view of Kuta Beach. At last, we took pictures with the foreigners as a proof that we had done our task.

10.   Krisna
Krisna is a shopping center in Bali. After visiting Kuta, we went to Krisna shopping center. We had dinner here. There was live music preformance in this place. Two of our friends sang a song during the dinner time. It was so nice. We had shopping in this place. We bought many souvenirs in this place. We bought food, clothes, and crafts from Bali for our family and friends at home. After finishing our shopping, we then went back to hotel.

11.  Tampak Siring Palace
Entering this place, we had to wear formal outfit. We could not wear glamour glasses in this place. We also could not take a video at this place. This place is a place for Presidents to take a rest. This palace has a nice architecture. We were so stunning when we first entered the palace.

12. Sangeh
Sangeh is a small forest. It is located in Sangeh village, Badung Regency, Bali. Its about 45 minutes drive from Denpasar. In here we can take pictures with many monkeys. In there, we must obey to the rules. They are ; (1) we must wear a polite clothes, (2) we must be carefull when bringing things, (3) we must not disturb the monkeys, etc. Sangeh is one of the protected forests. It has a land area of about 14 hectars. There live 700 grey monkeys type.  Before we enter the forest we can buy some snacks for feeding the monkeys.

Based on the explanation and the description above, we can conclude that Bali is a very beautiful place with many tourism spots to visit. People around the world have found that Bali is an attractive place.  The beauty of Bali lies within the range of beauty nature and the friendly people. Besides, the Balinese culture is also amazing. Many performances have been shown by Balinese. Tourists really love these performances. Some conclusions that we can say about Bali are :
1.      Indonesia is rich in culture and nature beauty.
2.      Bali has attracted many tourists around the world to come.
3.      Bali has many beautiful tourism spots to visit.
4.      Balinese welcome tourists well.
5.      Food in Bali is so yummy.
6.      The culture of Bali has been preserved well.
7.      The arts in Bali are amazing.
8.      Many handicrafts in Bali are so beautiful.
For those conclusion, our visit in Bali will be an unforgettable experience.

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