Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Prediksi 5 Soal UN SMP/MTs Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

| Wednesday, April 13, 2016


1.        You read a notice in front of a house:

      What does it mean?
A.    People must not stop  in front of it
B.     Visitors cannot drop by there now
C.     Pedestrians may not cross there
D.    Other people must not enter it

2.         Where Can We usually find he notice above?
A.    In the Farm
B.     In the bank
C.     In the post office
D.    In the certain office at the company

Dear Dina Maria,
Congratulation, You are the best choice in the vote of OSIS
We wish a change
The member of OSIS

3.         What is the purpose of the text?
A.    To say good for Dina
B.     To congratulate Osis
C.     To congratulate Dina as the leader of OSIS
D.    To get support from the member of Osis

4.         Why the member of Osis say that? Because…
A.    Dina is a beautiful leader
B.     Dina is chosen as a leader of Osis
C.     Dina is a smart Osis
D.    Dina is a good person

Read the text to answer number  5, 6, 7

 Hi friend! This is my friend Brenda, She comes from Sulawesi. She was born in Makassar onAugust 13, 1999. Her hobbies are singing and swimming. She also likes planting flowers very much. She lives at 12 Jalan Jaya. She lives with her parents and two sisters. They are Mr. and Mrs. Yudhatama, Sherina, and Tiara. Brenda studies at SMP 7. Her older sister is in the first year of Senior high school, and Tiara is still in Elementary. They love one another

5.      What are Brenda’s hobbies?
A.    Swimming and singing
B.     Swimming and planting flowers
C.     Singing, swimming, and planting flowers
D.    Singing and planting flowers with her friends

6.      Who is the second child of the family?
A.    Yudhatama
B.     Sherina
C.     Brenda
D.    Tiara

7.      They love one another”
      The word “they” in the sentence refers to … and her parents
A.    Brenda’s sisters 
B.     Brenda’s parents
C.     Brenda’s father
D.    Brenda and her sisters
Read the table below!
Land area
5 Million
16 Million
120 Million
190 Million
660 Million
584 square kms
3.710 square kms
33.507 square kms
2.027.087 square kms
3.281.000 square kms

8.      From the table above, we may conclude that … .
A.    Indonesia has the largest population
B.     Japan has the smallest population
C.     The larger the country, the more population it has.
D.    The smaller the area of a country is, the more population it has.

9.      Which has not only smallest number of population but also smallest land area?
A.    Singapore
B.     Malaysia
C.     Japan
D.    Indonesia

10.     We can conclude that the population per meter square in India… .
A.    4972
B.     4872
C.     4772
D.    4672

Dear Enny,
Thank you for your letter of 15 May. Sorry I didn’t reply your letter sooner. I’ve been very busy lately.
Every school holiday I have to visit my grandmother in Pakujati, a village at the foot of Mount Slamet in Central Java. Sometimes I go there with my parents. Last holiday we visited them again. We went there by train. Let me tell you something about it.
The landscape looks beautiful. The terraces of large paddy fields with their colorful scarecrows and tall bamboo trees at certain corner seem magnificent. It is different from our crowded city, isn’t it? The people, most of them are farmers, are very kind. They spend most of their time in the paddy fields. They really like to work hard.
To me, going to Pakujati is interesting. Don’t you want to join me one day? I hope you will.

Warmly yours
11.   When did Enny write the letter to Denny?
A.    On May 15        
B.     Before May 15
C.     After May 15    
D.    During May 15

12.   What did Denny tell Enny in the third paragraph?
A.    His grandmother’s village
B.     His visit to his grandmother
C.     The people of the village
D.    His job in the city

13.   “The landscape looks beautiful. … look magnificent.”
A.    The landscape
B.     The scarecrows
C.     The paddy fields
D.    The terraces of paddy fields

14.     The landscape looks beautiful. The bold word means….
A.    View
B.     Land
C.     Scenery
D.    Good looking

Read the biography  below!
 Albert Einstein was the greatest man of science. He was born in 1879. When he was at the school age, he started to study at school. In 1894, he left the school because of money. Then he got a job at the factory in Bern. His job didn’t require much of his time, so he could write a scientific article. In 1903, he moved to Berlin and worked on his famous theory, Relativity. After that, he published his writing in 1905. At the age of 42, he got a noble prize. Finally, he died in USA in 1955.

15.  What is the suitable title of the text?
A.    Relativity theory
B.     A noble prize
C.     Albert Einstein  
D.    Science

16.  When did Albert Einstein get a noble prize?
A.    In 1903              
B.     In 1921
C.     In 1905              
D.    In 1955

17.  How old was he when he died?
A.    26 years old
B.     76 years old
C.     42 years old
D.    86 years old

18.  “After that, he published his writing in 1905”
      The bold typed word has the same meaning as ... .
A.    Article               
B.     Letter
C.     Certificate         
D.    Story

19.  What is the purpose of the text ?
A.    To describe someone
B.     To give argument
C.     To entertain someone
D.    To tell past event

Complete the text correctly.
People …..(20) the forest trees, which caused …..(21) every where in the last rainy season because of the overflow of the river. We were also lack of water in last dry season. Please obey the regulation to keep our forest for our future.
20.       A.   Cut down
            B.  Are cutting down             
            C   will cut down      
            D.  Have cut down

21.       A.   Erosion
            B.   Flood
            C.   Landslide
            D.   Eruption

Executive Service
Great Facilities
“Where the difference is service”
Rate starting from US $55 ++/day for long staying guests
1,2 ---> 3 bedroom suites with kitchenettes
- design swimming-pool
- full equipped meeting room
Close to The Jakarta International School
- 5 minutes to Pondok Indah

Direct lines available for further details
Ph. 750-7050/760/9070
Fax. 750-7110

22.  What facilities does the hotel provide?
A.    Education          
B.     Transportation
C.     Executive Service
D.    Public swimming pool

23.        Rate starting from US $55/day….”
      The underlined part of the sentence above means the lowest daily .… is US $55.
A.    Rent
B.     Charge
C.     Contract
D.    Discount

24.        The location of the hotel is not …. from the Jakarta International School.
A.    Ear
B.     Far
C.     Isolated
D.    Long

For the questios number 25-26
Dengue Fever is most common during the rainy season. Clear the neighborhood of pond and pits! Don’t forget to burry empty cans, old tires, coconut shell and etc. Be nice with your brother.  We’ll be back on Monday.
Dad and Mom

25.  What should the person do at home?
A.    Buy household needs.
B.     Clean environment and plant unused containers..
C.     Put empty cans, old tyers, coconut shell into pits.
D.    Water pond and pits with clean water.

26.  Which statement is TRUE according to the message?
A.    Coconut shells belong to objects that can’t trap rain water.
B.     Mosquitos can breed in any objects filled by rain water.
C.     Mosquitos can only breed in rainy season.
D.    Dengue fever spreads only in urban area.

27. Complete the announcement correctly.

Attention, please.
The Indonesian Airways 132 to Singapore is departing at 09.00 a.m. Qantas Airways 009 to Kuala Lumpur is …(27)…at 11.20 a.m. Any changes to the …..(28) departures will be announced immediately.

A.    departing
B.     depart
C.     departure
D.    departed

28.      A. Travel         
B. Voyage
C. Flight
D. Trip

You don’t believe your eyes, you’d think you were in a Sultan’s Palace in an age gone by, but you’re in the Puri Agung Convention Centre. The sheer size and the grand scale of which is unlike anything, anywhere.
Feathering traditional Javanese architecture and symbols, with the colors and lighting in keeping with ultra modern taste. The Puri Agung can accommodate up to 4,000 guests for cocktails, 3,000 in theatre and 2,000 classroom style or 1,600 for sit-down dinner. It has a complete array of electronic and audio visul equipment that a convention could possibly need.
And where is this luxurious news taste of the art convention centre located? In Singapore, Hongkong, or San Francisco? Not in the least. It’s the new Sahid Jaya Hotel & Tower Convention Centre on Jalan Jendral Sudirman in the heart of Jakarta.   
86, Jl.Jendral SudirmanJakarta 10220-IndonesiaTlx. 46331 SAHID IA Telp. (0210 5704444) Fax. (021) 583168

29.  What does advertisement offer us?
A.    A luxurious art
B.     A traditional architecture
C.     A good accommodation
D.    A complete array of electronic

30.  How many guests can the Puri Agung accommodate?
      It can accommodate up to ….
A.    4,000
B.     2,000
C.     3,000
D.    1,000

31.  The following statements are right about Sahid Jaya Hotel, except … .
A.    It has an art convention centre
B.     It’s located at 86, Jl.Jendral Sudirman
C.     It can accommodate 1,600 people for sit-down dinner
D.    It is the best place for a complete audio visual equipment

32.  exports-oil-not only-but also-Indonesia-iron-to Japan
           1       2        3             4             5          6        7
A.      5-1-2-3-4-6-7
B.       7-1-3-2-4-6-5
C.       5-1-3-2-4-6-7
D.      7-1-2-3-4-6-5

33.  Put the sentences into the correct order!
1.      I need the English dictionary.
2.      Excuse me, Bram!
3.      Which dictionary do you need, the Indonesia dictionary or the English one?
4.      It is on my desk.
5.      Yes, please.
6.      You are welcome.
7.      May I borrow your dictionary?
8.      Thank you, Bram.
A.      2-7-5-3-4-1-8-6
B.       2-7-3-5-4-1-8-6
C.       2-5-7-3-1-4-8-6
D.      2-5-7-1-3-8-6
            Animals are almost extinct if their number is getting smaller. It means more animals die and become rare. One of the rare animals is rhinoceros.
            Rhinoceroses are herbivorous. They eat grass and other plants. They live in grassy areas or in jungles. Rhinoceroses spend most of their time in water. They usually live alone, except during the breeding season.
            If we don’t want rhinoceroses to extinct, we must protect them. We must preserve their habitat. The law prohibits those who hunt them

34.  Why must we protect certain animals like rhinoceroses?
      Because they … .
A.    Spend most of their time in water
B.     Only have certain place to live
C.     Are hunted and become extinct
D.    Live in the jungles

35.  ‘The law prohibits those who hunt them.’
      It means … .
A.    People may hunt and kill rhinoceroses
B.     The law permits hunting and killing rhinoceroses
C.     The hunting and killing rhinoceroses must go on
D.    The hunting and killing rhinoceroses are not permitted by law

36.  They live in grassy areas or in jungles
The underline word mean?
A.    Meadow
B.     Land
C.     Plant
D.    Woody

Read the text to answer number 37, 38, 39 40.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. The area of the United Kingdom is 242.500
The climate is generally mild and temperate. It is rarely above 320 and below 100 C. the weather from day to day is mainly influenced by depressions moving eastwards across the Atlantic. On average, March to June are the driest months. November to January are the wettest months.
            According to mid-1990 estimates, Britain’s population is 51,4 million. England’s is 47,8 million, Wales’ is 2,9 million, Scotland’s is 5,1 million, Northern Ireland’s is 1,6 million. The population density of the United Kingdom is about 237 inhabitants per sq. km. Of the four lands, England has the most population with 367 people per sq. km; Scotland has 66 people per sq. km; Wales, 139; and Northern Ireland, 1,3 people per sq. km.
            Britain has performed wealth economically. In the later eighteen and nineteenth centuries Britain became the first industrialized country. So jobs in service industries have grown well.

37.  Which paragraph talks about the inhabitant areas of Britain?
A.    1
B.     3
C.     2
D.    4

38.  Why have jobs in service industries in Britain grown well?
A.    The industrialized countries help Britain
B.     Britain has performed wealth economically
C.     Britain is a successful developing country
D.    Britain has a large area

39.  Which one has the least population in Britain?
A.    England             
B.     Wales                
C.     Scotland
D.    Northern Ireland

40.  “November to January are the wettest months.”
      The underlined words mean the month when ….
A.    People have a lot of water
B.     There is flood everywhere
C.     It seldom rains
D.    It rains a lot

41.  “Do you know about computers? They are used for all sorts of things now, such as for counting things, ticketing, and other things”
      What does the printed in bold mean?
A.    Kinds                
B.     Sizes                  
C.     Prices
D.    Shapes

Read the short article below to answer number 42, 43.
When we wear BRACES
·         Always brush the teeth using a soft toothbrush after meals
·         Avoid hard food that require vigorous chewing; they can break your braces
·         Avoid sticky food like gum, caramel, and coffee for the same reason
·         Cut up fruits and raw vegetables into smaller pieces before you eat them. Don’t bite into them. You may damage your braces

42.  …. that require vigorous chewing; they can … .
      The word printed in bold has the same meaning with ….
A.    Want                 
B.     Make
C.     Need                 
D.    Take
43.  Avoid sticky food like gum, … .
      It means that ….
A.    We are suggested to eat sticky food
B.     We may not eat sticky food
C.     The sticky food will be nothing if we eat them
D.    The sticky food won’t cause anything for our braces

44.  Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph
1.      Crash! Bang! The bicycles hit a curb and crashed onto a fence and tree. The boys were in great pain.
2.      One day, Tom and Jody went to the top of the slope. They rode their bicycles. The two boys cycled as fast as they could
3.      Luckily. Some joggers saw what had happened and came to help.
4.      The bicycles went down the slope at very fast speeds. Then the boys realized that they had lost control of the bicycles.
A.    2 – 4 – 1 – 3
B.     3 – 1 – 2 – 4
C.     2 – 4 – 3 – 1
D.    4 – 1 – 3 – 2

10 GAJAHMADA rd. Phone (0711)41039
To: Fino, class II B
Would you please attend our meeting that will be held:
Day/date         :      On Thursday, March 1st , 2007
Time                :      at 1.30 a.m. (after school)
Place               :      School hall
Agenda           :      Final preparation for wall magazine competition 2007.
Please come on time. See you there.
Devina                                             Farhan
Secretary                                         Chairperson

45.  What is the purpose of writing the letter?
A.    To confirm a meeting agenda
B.     To ask people to prepare a meeting
C.     To invite someone to attend a meeting
D.    To inform somebody that the meeting is canceled
46.  Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the information in the invitation card?
A.    The meeting will be at the same time with wall magazine competition 2007
B.     The meeting will discuss wall magazine competition’s preparation
C.     The meeting will begin soon after school
D.    The meeting will be held In the school hall

Read the text to answer number 47, 48, 49
Julia Johnson is different from the other students in Rosewood who come from rich families. She studies there only because she has a scholarship. She lives with her mother and her cat in a small shabby apartment.
They have to work very hard to be able to pay rent of their apartment; otherwise they might end up homeless.
Carina is the princess of Vineland, a country in Europe. During her first visit to the US, she really want to meet her on-line rock star crush, Rabbit.
When Carina visit Rosewood, both Carina and Julia find a solution to their problems. They plan to change places for one day.
But when it’s time to get back to Vineland, Carina doesn’t show up. So Julia has to go to Vineland.  Julia is caught in a tight spot.

47.  How do Julia Johnson and her mother’s life?
A.    They live in bad condition
B.     They are homeless
C.     They are rich
D.    They are happy family

48.  She studies there only because she has a scholarship.
      The underlined word means….
A.    Prize                  
B.     Free cost to study
C.     Benefit
D.    A loser

49.  What is the main idea of the first paragraph in text above?
A.    The experience of Julia Johnson
B.     The friendship of Julia Johnson and Carina
C.     The life of Julia Johnson
D.    The scholarship of Julia Johnson

50.  Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1.  Sometimes they have to do some important business as in different towns on the same day
2. The best choice is to travel by air
3. Nowadays people become busier and busier
4. To overcome the problem we need the fastest means of transportation
A.    2-1-3-4
B.     2-3-1-4
C.     3-1-4-2                 
D.    1-2-4-3

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